Living in the now

You know that thing where you think you understand something … then you discover there are layers you never knew existed. Well that … when it comes to the idea of living in the present. There’s the cliches that were born of wisdom but have been appropriated by bucket-listing popular culture as in; ‘All we’ve got is today’, ‘What if you knew you only had five years.’ etc etc. Yeah, no. Not that, although they are great things to consider. A few friends expressed concern for me following my last post . They wondered how I was, expecting that the shifts and uncertainty might be causing some anxiety. But, to be clear, I’m doing magnificently. I’m good. Better than good. The wrestle is the with question about how to live beautifully with uncertainty and chaos (to steal a Pema Chödrön phrase), not to find strategies to eliminate it. But I’m not pursuing a Pollyanna approach, a superficial suppressive positivity, I’m realising the antithesis, in fact. The narrativ...