granny tea and loving it

sunrise over cordoned off playground on the Barwon estuary Like everyone else, during these pandemic days, we experience everyday sameness. For us a beautiful sameness. We don't take our good fortune for granted; we are undoubtedly blessed with safety and security, at least as much as anyone can be. Micky Smith says things worth remembering are best done with a photograph or a scar. I hope our collective scars heal and make us stronger. This post is another word picture (photograph) for me to remember this worth-remembering-groundhog-day-season by. Things that shape our days: Morning routines. I wake up about 5.30 every morning and snooze until I get up about 6.15. After some ol' man yoga I get to the beach before sunrise when the sky is bright orange, pink, purple, golden yellow (or grey!) and jump start my metabolism with a (sans wetsuit) body surf / frolic in the cold salt water with a bunch of other crazies (we've been staggering our shifts to maintain physical ...