Col, what actually is it that you do again?

I've been pretty crap at explaining what I do for work over the years. Even people who have known me for years (including my own kids) struggle to explain what I do when I disappear from home. Meetings, conferences, workshops, writing stuff .... but to what end? So here's a little diagram I've been playing with. Each box is a conversation but you'll get the idea ... 1. I'm motivated by the prospect of a more just and generative world. 'Just', because the disparity of opportunity and experience is immoral. By generative I mean a society where we all get deep pleasure from engaging our senses in the natural world, where everyone gets to do what they are good at, and where all people engage meaningful endeavours. 2. The 'be the change' box is about my own life ... following Ghandi's famous if over-used exhortation to 'be the change we want to see in the world.' It is about who I am when no one is watching. It is about the li...