Mental wellbeing

I'm lucky to be in a book club, a fabulous small bunch of blokes who read interesting books and get together once a month in our local pub (and later at the Italian restaurant for affogato and dessert). I'm a newby. This month was my turn to offer a book. Dangerously, I submitted a title I hadn't read, but one from a writer I know and trust, Alain de Botton. His latest book, A Therapeutic Journey , offers insight into the minds and lives of those of us struggling to stay well mentally. It was heavy going for some of us. A bit close to home and a bit heavy, but deeply appreciated by others. The strength of the book from my reading, was the normalising of mental sickness. We know that mental illness has become a common, almost ubiquitous phenomena, draining so much life from families, communities and workplaces, let alone the quality of life for those who suffer. De Botton offers an invitation to understand and therefore empathise with those who's internal demons have t...