mandated working from home

This bizarre season deserves a blog-for-the-record. I want to be able to remember these things. We've all had to reconfigure our lives to stay at home all day everyday, except for so-called necessary excursions. What has that looked like for me? long days here There has been lots to grieve. (See my last post .) My work-life has been extremely full. My multiple governance roles have unsurprisingly been demanding, but I have been involved in some COVID-19 related initiatives which have dominated my time and mental energy ... so unlike some who have had to find things to do, my days have been very full. For the most part, that has meant sitting at my desk, more often than not on zoom calls. Alongside grief, anger, frustration and despair, it has been wonderful. I get to bunker down with a woman I admire and adore. We get to do this in a little townhouse that we love to bits. She works, gardens, does mosaics, and reads. We cook for each other. We wander down the street for ou...